How to choose different types of corrugated paper.

How to choose different types of corrugated paper.

Good knowledge article with World Premier Packaging.

Let's see how to choose different types of corrugated flutes. Which type of curls are suitable for what type of work?


There are 4 types of flutes of corrugated paper: A Flute, B Flute, C Flute and E Flute. Let's look at the properties of each type of flute.

Big Corrugated (A Corrugated) The height of the corrugation is 4.0-4.8 mm. The number of corrugations is 105-125 per meter, suitable for products that require a lot of stacking weight. and not focused on printing.


Small corrugated type (B corrugated) with a height of 2.1 – 3.0 mm., number of corrugations 150-185 per meter, suitable for products that can support weight by themselves such as steel cans.


Medium wave (C wave) It has a height of 3.2 – 3.9 mm. with a number of corrugations of 120-145 per meter. It is very commonly used. Suitable for general products that can support medium weight.


The smallest corrugated type (E-flute) It has a flute height of 1.0 – 1.8 mm. with a number of flutes of 290-320 flutes/meter that supports the best printing. Suitable for small die-cut boxes or offset boxes.


Summary of comparison of properties of each type of roofing.
No. Feature Flute A Flute B Flute C Flute E
1 Stacking strength Very good Fair Good Bad
2 Print quality Bad Good Fair Very good
3 Cutting and pressing quality Bad Good Fair Very good
4 Puncture resistance Good Fair Very good Bad
5 Use in inventory Very good Fair Fair Bad
6 Overlapping Bad Good Fair Very good
7 Vibration and shock protection Very good Fair Good Bad
8 Push through Bad Good Fair Fair


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