Qualities of good paper food packaging

Qualities of good paper food packaging

Good knowledge about World Premier Packaging

Qualities of good paper food packaging


It should have the following


• Paper and packaging must meet the standard weight.

• The size is suitable for the food that needs to be put into the food packaging.

• Consider the smoothness and check the pores of the paper.

• Should have the ability to resist fat or oil for use in food.

• Properties in resisting tensile force and elongation must meet standards.

• Paper used for packaging must have the ability to harden. and durable to bend.

• Check the color to make sure it is safe according to standards.

• Good packaging needs to be able to absorb water to a certain extent.

• Packaging must not be easily torn and sold.

• Good packaging must be able to be stacked.

• If ordering production, you should choose a factory that accepts international standards.


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