Recycled paper How can you help preserve

Recycled paper How can you help preserve

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Recycled paper How can you help preserve the environment?


Recycled paper or environmentally friendly paper Made into new paper products Made from old or unused printed materials and prepared to throw them away as garbage. Old newspapers and magazines This type of paper is a good choice for the environment. Because it reduces deforestation and preserves natural resources.

In addition, There are many benefits of using recycled paper as follows:


Help protect the forest

According to the report of Environmental Paper Network “Every year, more than 10.12 million rai of forests are deforested. This deforestation can lead to soil erosion. loss of wildlife habitat and climate change Recycled paper reduces land clearing. Encroaching on forest areas Using recycled fibers instead of virgin fibers.

Reduce waste

Another advantage of recycled paper is that it reduces waste production. Every year billions of tonnes of paper and cardboard are thrown away. Recycled paper reduces this waste by using recycled material instead of virgin material.

Help preserve natural resources

The third benefit of recycled paper is that it helps preserve natural resources. Trees, water and energy are all required to make virgin paper. Do you know? How many trees will not be cut down if we use 1 ton of recycled paper? The answer is ...17 trees! Each ton (2,000 pounds) of recycled paper saves 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy, and 7,000 gallons of water!


So recycled paper Therefore it is a good choice for the environment. Reduce deforestation Reduce the amount of waste created and help preserve natural resources You can choose recycled paper for our planet.


Interested in packaging made from recycled paper? Ask for details at Line ID : @worldpremier218_wp

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