What is FSC?

What is FSC?

Good knowledge about World Premier Packaging

What is FSC?


FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, a non-profit organization that sets policies by members from environmental, social and economic sectors to ensure responsible management of the world's forests through a rigorous and transparent certification system. FSC is a standard recognized by buyers in the global market. Products that receive the FSC label must be traced throughout the supply chain to ensure that they come from responsibly managed commercial forests.


Why should customers choose FSC-certified paper?

FSC-certified paper can help ensure that it comes from commercial or responsibly managed forests. By using FSC-certified paper, you can be sure that you are purchasing a natural product that will preserve our planet’s forests and provide them for future generations.


Is FSC certification really good for forests?

Today, in the business world, sustainability is not just a fancy word that consumers or shareholders talk about. Brands themselves understand and are aware of the importance of taking responsibility for environmental changes. Whether it's Gucci or Burberry, they support packaging that has passed FSC certification, including Disney products that must be FSC certified. And there are many other famous brands that have started to head in the same direction.


Global warming is causing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to rise to a level that is harmful to life on this planet.

FSC stands with leading organizations around the world, such as the Woodland Trust and WWF, in the fight against climate change by promoting sustainable forestry throughout the supply chain, which will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions in another way.


For anyone interested in FSC certified paper, please contact us at

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