World Premier Packaging Co., Ltd.
Tel +66 2-806-5745-8 ต่อ ฝ่ายขายกด 15 และ 49, +66 97-939-2965 +66 96-887-5431 +66 92-832-1042 +66 86-321-4047
What is environmentally friendly packaging?
Packaging: saving the world means Packaging that uses materials used in packaging production that have little or no impact on the environment, such as materials that are naturally biodegradable or materials that can be recycled By taking into account various steps in the life cycle of packaging From production, use and disposal when not in use.
Interested in environmentally friendly packaging? You can ask for more details at Line ID : @worldpremier218_wp
Follow good knowledge with World Premier. Packaging available at www.กล่องลูกฟูก.com