What is the Green Economy?

What is the Green Economy?

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What is the Green Economy?


Green Economy is an economy that focuses on human well-being and social equality by reducing the impact on the environment and ecosystem resources as a result.

In the past twenty to thirty years There is increasing scientific evidence of climate change, and environmental and natural resource scarcity are becoming an international concern. The green economy has gained attention both as a sustainable and responsible development. Manufacturer's expression of corporate responsibility and natural trends arising from environmental awareness among consumers create new markets in the economy. The concept of green economic development emerged and developed along with the development of low-carbon production (low-carbon development), which refers to the form of industrial and business development. that has a process to reduce the use of carbon energy and increasing the proportion of clean energy that is environmentally friendly The primary goal is to reduce carbon emissions that cause greenhouse gas and global warming problems. And the long-term goal is to create an industrial and economic system that is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Components of a green economy. Karl Burckart divided the green economy into 6 parts as follows.

• Energy that can be recycled, such as water power, wind, sunlight, geothermal heat, etc., is natural energy that does not run out like various types of fossil fuels. and does not create pollution to the environment.

• Green buildings, buildings that are designed and built to use less resources in construction and save energy in use, such as installing solar energy panels. Rainwater recirculation system for use inside the building, etc.

• Clean vehicles, vehicles that use alternative or clean energy instead of fossil fuels, such as hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, etc.

• Water management: There is conservation of natural water resources. Manage water resources economically for worthwhile use. Wastewater from economic activities is treated and returned to nature safely, etc.

• waste management Reusing garbage waste treatment packaging design The product creates the least amount of waste.

• land management land conservation soil rehabilitation Organizing green space in urban areas, community forests, organic agriculture, etc.

The green economy aims to strike a balance between economic development and nature conservation. both in terms of using limited resources Preserving the environment from human contamination Ecological balance and natural diversity (And also including sustainable social development in other areas, such as creating more equal opportunities for citizens in every aspect as well.


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